
So you have found yourself at Seconds of Style, I hope you like what you see and leave with some fresh inspiration.

Seconds of Style is about that moment in time when you see something or someone and it catches your eye. Maybe because it is unique or interesting or beautiful or just gets you thinking and feeling. I am not limited by fashion but it definitely takes a front row seat. I love everything vintage, am a true market trawler and have a real soft spot for home decor and furniture.

I have been working in fashion and fashion marketing for 4 years and it is a passion that grows within me every day. I started this blog for the same reasons as everyone else I believe - to express myself and put my opinion out into the big wide world.

I'd love to hear from you if you have anything to say about my blog, would like to be featured or have some interesting content you think this blog and it's readers would benefit from, email me at secondsofstyle@gmail.com

I hope to see you again soon.


* All photo's taken by myself or Tim Boyd-White unless otherwise stated.